About us

We believe that by sharing personal experiences we gain insight and become better pilots. So we created this website where students, seasoned pilots, and everyone in-between can share their experiences with aviation in an easy to read, beautiful way. Our hope is that you will follow our site, read these heartfelt articles and continue to become the safest, most proficient pilot possible.

We Review Rod Machado’s latest eLearning Course, “Understanding Aviation Weather.” I don’t ...

Reno Welcomes Wayne Phillips of AOPA for an Air Safety Institute Seminar ...

According to BRS Aerospace, successful deployment of an aircraft parachute recovery system has ...

Ensuring Flight Safety and Preventing Loss of Control In Flight is the ...

Have a question about BasicMed? Then take some time to read the ...

The FAA feels that the airworthiness concern detailed in SAIB-CE-17-12 doesn’t warrant ...

The FAA feels that the airworthiness concern with Continental IO-520 and IO-550 series ...

The Continental engine service bulletin MSB05-8B applies to various IO-470, IO-520, and ...

The NTSB PIREP report provides safety recommendations for a number of aviation ...

Diving into emergency landings and the engine out procedure in the Sierra ...