About us

We believe that by sharing personal experiences we gain insight and become better pilots. So we created this website where students, seasoned pilots, and everyone in-between can share their experiences with aviation in an easy to read, beautiful way. Our hope is that you will follow our site, read these heartfelt articles and continue to become the safest, most proficient pilot possible.

Once you get into a dogfight, it seems as though there are aircraft ...

 We made several passes over the identified area, known as MiG Alley, looking ...

Remembering Charlie Spath, Green 4, Lost in the Iron Triangle This article ...

Some plane concepts, like parasite fighters, never really take off. During the ...

A MiG-15 Caused My Best Greased Landing in an F-86 Sabre This ...

CAF AirPower History Tour attendees will be able to view the aircraft ...

A truly gifted engineer, Hugo Junkers work in aviation truly began at ...

NAPALM BATS: the fascinating and bizarre story behind the military’s attempt to ...

Nathaniel J. Adams and 271 Days of Combat How many people can ...

In the Navy, November 1942 Franklin Willard “Robbie” Robinson, Jr. lived a ...