We believe that by sharing personal experiences we gain insight and become better pilots. So we created this website where students, seasoned pilots, and everyone in-between can share their experiences with aviation in an easy to read, beautiful way. Our hope is that you will follow our site, read these heartfelt articles and continue to become the safest, most proficient pilot possible.
Tim Brill
With an undeniable passion for flying, Tim's instruction style echoes his no-nonsense approach to flying: always fun and always informative. Having honed his flying skills in Alaska, Tim specializes in tailwheel endorsements, emergency maneuver training, spin training, aerobatics and mountain flying With over 4000 hours of instructional experience in tailwheel airplanes, Tim encourages students to always strive for higher than what is required of them. An ATP, CFI and CFII, Tim is a Master Certificated Flight Instructor - Aerobatic (MCFI, the First, and only, MCFI-A in Nevada), and a member of IAC (and an IAC National Aerobatic Judge), CUATE (Council on Unusual Attitude Training and Education), SAFE (Society of Aviation and Flight Educators), EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association), AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association), and an FAA Safety Team Representative for the FAA WP-ll district.